Lawn Care & Maintenance
A beautilful green lawn is a point of pride. So weeds must go! Weeds pop up in all lawn type and every season in Texas.
Lawn Care Program
Weed control & fertilization
(8 treatments per year)
*Service area: Rockwall, Heath, Rowlett & Royse City TX
We Offer the Following Specialized Treatments
Lawn Insect & Disease
Fire ant: controls unwanted fire ants, where agent touches soil. Guaranteed for one year
Flea and tick: protection against unwanted fleas & ticks (recommend treatments every 12 weeks)
Mosquito backpack fogging: This is a barrier spray around properties to reduce the mosquito population. The products are people and pet friendly, and they are safe for our environment.
Grub: Control of subsurface, lawn damaging insects (e.g. chinch bugs, sod worms)
Lawn fungus: control against lawn funguses (e.g. brown patch, summer patch) recommended twice a year. Strongly suggested in St. Augustine
Lawn & Ornamental Bed Problem Weeds & Grasses
Nutsedge: control of both yellow & purple nutsedge in designated areas
Dallis grass & crabgrass: control of Dallis grass & crabgrass designated areas. Not applicable for St. Augustine lawns
Non-selective grass: total weed killing. Suggested only for areas where vegetation is unwanted
(e.g. dry creek, rock beds & concrete cracks) May - July
Poison ivy & oak: control of both ivies, may require up to 3 treatments
Other Lawn Care Services
Aeration: reduces soil compaction & thatch build-up, increase water penetration, root development and drought tolerance
Dethatching or vertta-cutting: removal of excess grass growth, usually grass growing on top of each other. Disabling oxygen, water & other nutrients to soil for root growth (Strongly recommended for St. Augustine and Bermuda tiff lawns)
Overseeding: Annual green grass for Winter months (cool season). Apply after aeration and before pre-emergent)


Lawn Grubs

Aeration, Before & After

Lawn Maintenance Packages
9 month: Includes scalping, mowing and lawn care program* (Mar-Nov)
12 month: Includes 9 month plus leaves pick-up and pruning ornamental trees and grasses (Jan-Dec)
Optional: shrub trimming and flowerbed hand weeding
Annual contract and lawn care program required for any lawn maintenance packages (no exceptions)
*Service area: Rockwall- Heath TX